iOS 16.5

iOS 16.5 released: Here’s a sneak peek at Apple’s latest innovations

Apple has just introduced iOS 16.5. This new iOS 16.5 is now available to the public. Some changes are included in this new update. The most prominent feature introduced in this version is sports information in Apple News. This new version includes many new features, bug fixing, and security patches. The beta testing for this update began on March 28 and lasted 51 days before its release to the public. However, this new update has few new features as iOS 16.4, but there are still some exciting features like big changes in Apple News, the new Siri command, and Apple Pay.

New Sports Tab in Apple News in iOS 16.5

A new Sports tab in the Apple News app makes the My Sports section easy to access. “My Sports score and schedule cards” let you see the scores and other details about your favorite games. Before this new update, you had to tap on the “Following” tab to access the My Sports group. You can also find stories, scores, standings, and more for your favorite teams and leagues by clicking on the Sports tab.

Merged Search and Following Tabs in Apple News

The Search tab has been merged into the Following tab to adjust the new Sports tab in the Apple News app. A hybrid icon represents both functions. Basically, this is the same as before iOS 14.5 introduced its own tab for Search.

Persistent Navigation Bar in Apple News

Another change in the Apple News app makes the bottom navigation bar persistent. With this, you can easily see the navigation bar while you are reading the article. This will make the navigation to the app’s other features easy.

New Button Changes in Apple News

The Apple News interface buttons had to be changed to accommodate the new persistent navigation bar. The Suggest More and Suggest Less buttons can be accessed from the top bar. These are combined into one Suggest More or Suggest Less button. To like or dislike something there will be one extra step. You have to tap the new button and then “Suggest More” or “Suggest Less” from the menu.

In addition to the Suggest More or Suggest Less buttons, the Bookmark, Back, and More Actions icons have been updated. The images have been reduced in size and surrounded by a darkened circle.

The Text Size options have been included in the More Actions menu. There will be one extra step to change the Text size. You have to tap on the More Actions button and then choose the font size.

Previous and Next arrows have been completely removed, so now you have to use swipe gestures to navigate between articles.

Screen Recordings with Siri in iOS 16.5

In iOS 16.5 Apple’s Siri skills have been updated. Now you can control screen recordings by saying Hey Siri or using the Siri long press shortcuts. Similar commands may also work.

  • “[Start/Stop] a screen recording”
  • “[Start/Stop] recording my screen”
  • “[Start/Stop] screen record”
  • “[Begin/End] screen recording”
  • “Screen record”

New Pride Wallpaper

In honor of the LGBTQ+ community and culture, a new Pride Celebration wallpaper has been added to the Lock Screen. Another vibrant interpretation of this year’s Pride design, the wallpaper moves dynamically when the iPhone is unlocked.

Along with the 2023 wallpaper, Apple’s original pride flag wallpaper has been moved to the new Pride section in the Add New Wallpaper menu. Before this, wallpapers appeared in the Collections Section and sometimes in the Featured section.

Shared Admins in Home Can Pair Matter Accessories

You can add another admin for the smart home in the Home app. They can be paired and can add new Matter Accessories on iOS 16.5.

Bug Fixes

Apple’s new release also includes the fixing of the following bugs:

  • Fixes an issue with Spotlight that caused it to become unresponsive
  • Podcasts in CarPlay may not load content due to an issue
  • Fixes an issue where Screen Time settings might reset or not sync across devices

Always-on Tap to Pay Sounds

Tap to Pay, which allows you to accept payments on your iPhone from other devices, has a new feature on iOS 16.5. There is a new “Tap to Pay on iPhone Screen lock” instead of “Tap to Pay Screen lock” switch in the settings for the supported Tap to Pay app. When your iPhone is in silent mode, there is a new “Always Play Sounds” switch to make the Tap to Pay transactions to sound off. Regardless of the current Ring / Silent Mode setting on your iPhone, you can play Tap to Pay sounds.

Percentage in Stocks, Not Percent

The new iOS 16.5 changes “percent” to “percentage” in Stock’s app in some areas, such as when sorting or choosing what to show in your watchlist. As a result, you will see “Percentage change” instead of “Percent change”.

New VoiceOver Commands

On iOS 16.5, VoiceOver has some new tricks. Especially, there are new “Scroll to Top” and “Scroll to Bottom” commands available in settings. Before this new update, there were options to scroll down, up, left, and right. These two new options allow you to set a touch gesture or keyboard shortcut. So that you can easily navigate the top or bottom of a page when VoiceOver is enabled.

Apple Health

First, iOS 16.5 lists six new error codes related to medication scheduling and reminders in Apple Health. Schedules and/or reminders aren’t available on the current iPhone or iPhone and paired Apple Watch due to “Schedule Not Available” and “Schedule Unavailable” notifications.

New Error Codes for Apple Apps in iOS 16.5

To help you identify issues Apple has updated some of its apps with new error codes.

Final Verdicts

With iOS 16.5, Apple users can take advantage of a wealth of exciting new features and enhancements that further enhance the Apple experience. Upgrade to iOS 16.5 to access a new level of possibilities and take your Apple device to the next level. By going to the Settings app, selecting General, and then selecting Software Update, you can update your iPhone.

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